Plea bargaing leads to Jihad

Sir. Amb. Demitri Sôkëtoff

Plea bargaining has been called, “the sperm of isis.” this is due to the fact that without plea bargains terrorism can’t survive. In a study conducted by the University of Southern Wyoming it has been made clear that terrorist of inspiring terrorists have been released from jail early due to a law called “The Innocent Muslim Project” (inspired by 911 to show Muslims are good). This law requires the jails to let all Muslims out so they could make their pilgrimage. Because in The U.S there is a religious freedom the government must follow this law (the Muslim religion also allows for the slaughter of people, weaker than you). If the government stops a Muslim from making their own hegira it could prevent the Muslim person from worshiping Vishnu at the holy site of Jerusalem and achieving nirvana.

Published 2/2/18 Authorized and approved and authenticated by NASA